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Trusted Seed


Updated 30 May 2022

Total member count


Members of the Trusted Seed put skin in the game by contributing to the Commons Stack, entitling them to a TRUST Score which denotes their reputation in the Trusted Seed. They will use their expertise to help steward new forms of sustainably funded Commons ecosystems, especially in the period immediately following their launch.

$TRUST - Total Supply


Trent McConaghy

Griff Green

Michael Zargham

Jeff Emmett

Simon de la Rouviere

Kevin Owocki

Niran Babalola

Stefaan Ponnet


TE Academy

Tamara Helenius

Lívia Deschermayer

Kris Jones

Ivy Bagay

Marko Prijic

Jordi Baylina

Paul Kohlhaas

Dani Bellavita

Juan Carlos Bell Llinas

Shawn Anderson


Joel Thorstensson

Danilo Lessa Bernardineli

Mateo Daza


Willy Ogorzaly

Raphael Baumann

Nathan Suits


Santi Garcia

Craig Anderson

Pavle Batuta

Philippe Honigman

Lauren Marysia Bajin

Andreas Fletcher

Pol Lanski

Renzo D'Andrea

Moritz Bierling

Daniel Alejandro Knobelsdorf

Blair Vanderlugt

Frederic Johnson

Ronald Steyer

Mitch Ozmun

Amin Latifi

Humberto Besso Oberto Huerta

Eduardo Vega-Patiño

Pablo Carra

Fábio Mendes

Paulo Jose Colombo Dos Santos

Kristofer Lund

David Krmpotić

Shawn Westrick

Will Szal

Vyom Jain

Will Abramson

Stephen Reid

Chris Cyphert

Chuy Garcia

Guillaume Augais

Rodrigo Perez

Katy Masuga

Wesley van Heije

Andreas Fauler

Matt Barlin


Santiago Gonzalez

Peter Hacker


Daniel Ari Friedman

Guilherme Maueler

John Paller

Steve Derezinski

Anna-Marie Louise Swan

Gideon Rosenblatt

Mafer Cordova

Bill Warren

Darren Zal

Marcel Jackisch

Ahmad Abugosh

Letty Prados

Freddy Zwanzger

Matthew Slater


Kyle Kirchner

Pablo Prohaska García

Tyson De Vere

David Kendall Pardu Moss

Todd Youngblood

Justin Kalland

Han Hegeman

Alec LaLonde

Andreas Brunner

Shawn Wu

Zane Starr

Harry Joseph Turton

Samir Mehta

Benjamin Douglas Scott

Ivan Fartunov